Watch: Brooklyn Street, An Intentional Community

Last year, Nonotuck Resource Associates, Inc. partnered with the New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation—as well as its American and international partners—to present Home is the Heart of Shared Living: An International Gathering. 

The event explored shared living across multiple disciplines (and countries!). Nonotuck President/CEO George H. Fleischner and board Chairperson Mary Lou Accetta led a spirited session on Brooklyn Street, an “intentional neighborhood” in North Adams, Massachusetts.

Read more about Brooklyn Street here.

Session Description

The goal of Brooklyn Street Neighbors is to create a community that combines the best aspects of our childhood with insights from more recent decades. For us, this means a neighborhood where children can play safely, neighbors can count on each other, families live separately but share many resources, that promotes healthy and sustainable living, and includes a common space for regular community events. Mary Lou and George will speak to the development of BSN and the natural yet intentional integration of people without disabilities with people with disabilities.

Learn more about the Home is the Heart of shared Living Gathering on the New York Alliance site.