Watch: AANHPI Discussion

Watch: AANHPI Discussion

In honor of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month this May, Nonotuck gathered to discuss the short documentary “Dear Corky.” The film tells the story of New York photographer Corky Lee, who documented Chinatown and Asian American communities around the country for 50 years. 

“It was a pleasure to learn and discuss the life and legacy of Corky Lee,” says Nonotuck CEO/President George H. Fleischner. “Corky's dedication to highlighting the stories and faces of Asian American communities reminds us of the importance of visibility and representation. We are inspired by his commitment and strive to continue his legacy of inclusivity and respect." 

Watch the session above.

See Also:

AANHPI Heritage Month: Celebrate Innovation

AANHPI Heritage Month: Celebrate the Leaders

AANHPI Heritage Month: An Appreciation of Chinatowns
AANHPI Heritage Month: Surviving the Khmer Rouge