May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a national event that brings attention to the importance of mental health. Throughout the month we will be sharing information and resources regarding this important topic . Here are a few resources and events to kick things off:

May EAP Session "Balancing Work & Life"

Nonotuck’s EAP workshops continue on Friday, May 19th 1-2 pm, with a topic very important to mental health. Register for the workshop here.

Insight Timer

Through our partnership with Insight Timer we have access to some great Mental Health Resources this month! 


Anxiety Relief

In our fast paced world, #anxiety is at an all time high. These practices will help you #befrienddanxiety as you slow things down, regain control of your mind and find #peace in each moment.

World Mental Health Day

In a world fraught with stress, anxiety, trauma, eating disorders, and other challenges, mental health is now, more than ever, a top priority. Put your mind at ease with practices, music tracks, and talks led by trusted experts and world-renowned teachers in the field of mental wellness. #WorldMentalHealthDay

Brain Fog: Overcoming Mental Fatigue

You’ve felt it: confused, irritable, spacey, unable to focus on one thing. So-called brain fog can strike after a long day or first thing in the morning. It’s a scourge for a healthy, happy, and balanced life. Learn more about #brainfog on #insighttimerblog.


Improve Your Mental Health with Self Care

In this course, you are going to learn how to create your own self-care list, how to include your loved ones in your self-care journey, and how to find the time to actually practice self-care. You will also learn about the importance of creating your self-care list by location and by activity type.

Guidance for Navigating Depression

This course explores various tools and techniques to help relieve the feelings of heaviness, helplessness and loneliness that accompany depression. Using a combination of breath work, visualization and mindset management, this course will connect you back to yourself, your purpose and your potential in this life.

Your Anxiety Relief Toolkit

This course is for anyone who struggles with anxiety. It can be taken as a stand-alone class, or before or after Andrea’s other course, Practical Tools for Anxiety Relief. With our world moving at an unnaturally fast and plugged-in pace, anxiety disorders are at an all-time high. It takes commitment and practice to slow things down and calm our overstimulated nervous systems. This toolkit will help you do just that. Throughout these 10 lessons, you will learn to use a variety of cognitive, psychological, and spiritual tools to help decrease anxiety. Weaving together her professional experience as a psychotherapist and author, along with her personal journey of healing from anxiety, depression, and addictions, Andrea will load you up with practical techniques that you can use on a daily basis. If you are ready to decrease your levels of anxiety and increase your moments of peace, please join us for the journey.

Rising Above Social Anxiety
Are you one of the 40% of people who consider themselves shy? If you get nervous in social situations, this course will help you overcome social anxiety and finally be your true self. Weaving together cutting-edge science, concrete exercises, and compassionate encouragement from a teacher who has walked in your shoes, this course will help you develop confidence, feel comfortable in any situation, and finally come home to your true, courageous, and authentic self.



On Being with Krista Tippett: [Unedited] Vivek Murthy 

We need a modicum of vitality to simply be alive in this time. And we're in an enduringly tender place. The mental health crisis that is invoked all around, especially as we look to the young, is one manifestation of the gravity of the post-2020 world. How to name and honor this more openly? How to hold that together with the ways we've been given to learn and to grow? Who are we called to be moving forward? Dr. Vivek Murthy is a brilliant, wise, and kind companion in these questions. He's a renowned physician and research scientist in his second tenure as U.S. Surgeon General. And for years, he's been naming and investigating loneliness as a public health matter, including his own experience of that very human condition.

It is beyond rare to be in the presence of a person holding high governmental office who speaks about love with ease and dignity — and about the agency to be healers that is available to us all. There is so much here to walk away with, and into. This conversation quieted and touched a room full of raucous podcasters at the 2023 On Air Fest in Brooklyn.