Food for Thought: Gratitude
Dec 13, 2023, 01:53 PMThe Nonotuck community recently gathered to ponder gratitude, as we celebrate appreciation and giving thanks during our Gratitude Challenge.
During one of our Food for Thought events (part of a month-long effort to celebrate and encourage gratitude), participants watched a Ted talk by former Boston University hockey player Travis Roy (see above). Eleven seconds into his collegiate career, Roy was paralyzed from the shoulders down when he lost balance and fell headfirst into the boards after a check. Roy would go on to become a noted philanthropist, author, and speaker, before dying from surgical complications in 2020.
Inspired by both President/CEO George H. Fleischner’s opening remarks on gratitude and how they align with our core values, as well as Travis Roy’s talk, Nonotuck staff spent the hour discussing gratitude, how we can make a practice of it, and what it means for us to do so.
“As we reflect on the amazing lessons shared by Travis Roy and as we search the spirit of gratitude, let’s remember the transformative power of appreciation. This is at the core of our Civility and Kindness Initiative. The transformative power of creating an organization based on good will,” says Nonotuck CEO/President George H. Fleischner. “So let’s embrace gratitude not just as a fleeting sentiment but as a daily practice and continue to build good will into the fabric of the Nonotuck community.”
Stay up to date on our Gratitude initiatives by watching our Info Hub