Celebrate International Women's Day with Nonotuck and Insight Timer

Today is International Women’s Day! In celebration and in recognition of this important day Nonotuck is offering some really wonderful resources through our partnership with Insight Timer. You can find links to these resources including playlists, courses, live events and more, below. 

If you need any support accessing these resources or getting set up with Insight Timer please reach out to Jannelle Robinson.



For the Women

A selection of guides, meditations, and talks for living your womanhood today.

Feminine Wisdom

#Whorunstheworld? Girls. And ladies, we need some #downtime too. Meditations chosen for the #shero who needs a break, the #girlboss who needs some peace, and the #supermom who needs some rest. #girlsonly

Celebrating Women

Step into your divine #feminine power, pursue your passion and purpose, and live the life you desire. These tracks are dedicated to empowering women to shine their light into the world.



A Return to the Feminine

This course is designed to prepare you for a new reality by guiding you through a sacred return to the foundation of who you are, to reclaim your innate feminine powers of creativity, wisdom, healing and self-determination.

Wild Woman’s Guide to Meaningful Living

In this 7-day course, we'll explore the ways we have been domesticated to be in our bodies, our relationships, and our spiritual lives and honor the call to wildness we have heard whispering from within. 

Body Love for Women

This introductory course is an invitation for women to experience their bodies through the inner vision of love and compassion. It is an opportunity to courageously express self-love through body appreciation.

Wise Woman Empowerment

During this 9-day course, open to women of all ages, you'll discover how to reconnect to unique feminine gifts that already exist within your body, bringing empowerment, confidence, and wisdom.  


Live Events

Purple for Peace, Green for Hope: International Women's Day with Dr Jan Russell

Explore the themes of Peace, Healing, Forgiveness and Hope, in honour of International Women's Day. We will share a short celebration of women, using the concepts of hope and peace, and share a practice together, to offer a deep loving kindness for women across the globe.

7:00 am PT /10:00 am ET

International Women's Day: Together, We Rise with Vanessa Loder

Join Stanford MBA Spiritual Teacher + Women's Leadership Expert Vanessa Loder for a discussion and guided meditation in honor of International Women's Day. Learn how women can reclaim our power from the inside out, honor your needs, rest deeply, and change the world! Together, we rise.

9:00 am PT /12:00 pm ET

Meditation for Women's Empowerment with Kit Souther

Celebrate International Women's Day with an empowering meditation designed to honor and uplift women everywhere. Connect with your inner wisdom and strength, embrace your unique talents, gifts, and the journey of becoming the best version of yourself.

9:00 am PT /12:00 pm ET

Healing Flute to Celebrate International Women’s Day with Sherry Finzer

Join me for a musical celebration of divine female energy as I play a variety of low & Native flutes, bowls, and chimes, including both composed and improvised melodies drawn from your collective energies and our discussions of women who have inspired us along our journey.

6:00 pm PT /9:00 pm ET


Guided Meditations

Yoga Nidra for Women

A meditation for women that invites you to take some time out for self-care. Put down all the roles you play every day and give your mind and body a deeply nurturing rest. Recorded live on the 22nd of July 2020. Music by Pablo Arellano

Wise Woman Affirmations

These Wise Woman Affirmations are written to inspire you, especially after a life-altering experience when you know you need to re-create yourself in a new way. As we enter the "Third Act" of our lives, we are connecting with a more integrated vision of our lives, our legacy, and our calling. The "Third Act" of Life is described by some to be the "second half" of life. Empowering music by LynneMusic extends an extra 3 minutes after the end of the affirmations.

Meditation for all Womxn- Together We Rise

A guided meditation for all womxn everywhere to support global healing and uplift womxn. May all womxn everywhere be free. May all womxn feel safe and protected. May all womxn be free from suffering. May all womxn live in peace and with a sense of ease. May all women uplift and support each other. May all womxn everywhere be held in loving kindness. SKIP to 2:40 to start guided meditation.

Honoring International Women’s Day

Today is International Women's Day and we're celebrating the divine essence that is women. Together, we will honour the womb that held us and the women that nurtured us. Join Koya in an empowerment meditation to connect within and acknowledge your power. The world needs the love and care that you provide. How will you use your voice to create change?